Adding and managing Products: introduction
By creating and editing Products, you can add and update titles in your catalogue, as well as manage multiple metadata Layers per Product and create parent-child hierarchies such as Series-Season-Episode dependencies.
Adding a new Product
- Go to Products.
- Click Add New.
- In the entry wizard, select one of the following Product types Format, Program, Series, Season or Episode.
- Fill in the Product’s details, taking note of the mandatory fields marked with *. Click Proceed once the entry wizard is complete.
- A new entry wizard will appear where you can optionally select to prefill in details from a metadata Layer on an existing Product. If there is no preexisting Layer from which you’d like to carry over the metadata, click Cancel. Do not navigate outside this page until you have followed the remaining steps.
- Fill in the Key Data on the new Layer. For additional sections such as Cast, Crew, Language Versions, Audience Recommendations and Awards, you can use the Add and Remove button to manage multiple items.
- At the final step, select Submit to create the Product entry.
Adding a new Season or Episode to an entry
If a parent entry such as a Series is already present, you can then add Seasons or Episodes by completing the following:
- Go to Products.
- Click Add New.
- In the entry wizard, select Product type Season or Episode.
- Fill in the Product’s details. Make sure to select which Parent entry and Sequence Number (e.g. episode number) the Season or Episode should receive, then click Proceed once the entry is complete.
- A new entry wizard will appear where you can optionally select to prefill in details from a metadata Layer on an existing Product. If there is no preexisting Layer from which you’d like to carry over the metadata, click Cancel. Do not navigate outside this page until you have followed the remaining steps.
- Fill in the Key Data on the new Layer. For additional sections such as Cast, Crew, Language Versions, Audience Recommendations and Awards, you can use the Add and Remove button to manage multiple items.
- At the final step, select Submit to create the Product entry.
Adding metadata Layers to a Product
Additional metadata Layers can be added to a Product in order to manage different language versions of Product metadata or vendor-specific metadata sets.
- Open an existing Product.
- In the top right corner, click the current Layer designation (e.g. Standard – EN). In the dropdown menu, select New Layer.
- Using Layer Type and Language, select the new Layer’s type and language, then click Proceed.
- Next, you will have the option of populating the new Layer with metadata from an existing Layer of the same type on another Product. If you’d like to do so, select a Source Product and Source Layer and click Prefill, otherwise click Cancel. You may only prefill metadata from an existing Layer of the same Layer type as the Layer you are creating.
- Fill in the Key Data on the new Layer. For additional sections such as Cast, Crew, Language Versions, Audience Recommendations and Awards, you can use the Add and Remove button to manage multiple items.
- At the final step, select Submit to add the Layer to the Product.
You will be able to toggle between existing Layers by using the Layer designation button in the top right corner.
Using Actions to manage Products
In the Products list view, Actions can either be applied to individual Products by using the Actions column, or to multiple entries by ticking the boxes directly next to individual titles and then selecting Actions > Selected items. In addition, certain Actions can be applied to all listed products (regardless of pagination) by using Actions > All items (of all pages). Finally, Actions can also be applied via the Product detail view’s Actions button (top right).
Please note, if you have selected more than one Product, the Action you select will apply to all selected titles.
- To add a Product to a Group, use to Add To Group, select which Group and with which Group-wide Access level you would like to add the Product. Once you’ve opened this dialogue, you may also define further Products to add to the same Group, as well as optionally tick Add product(s) including descendants in order to include all subordinate Products (e.g. Seasons and Episodes of a Series). Please also note the tickable selection at the bottom of the entry wizard called Apply Access level to assigned Assets. If ticked, this makes all associated assets have the same access level as the parent product. This is useful in case you’d e.g. like to provide “blanket” access to all assets assigned to the selected Product just by defining a Group Access level for the Product itself.
- To add multiple Products to a group, tick the Products you would like to add from the Product list and select Actions > Selected items > Add To Group. This can also be used to remove multiple Products from a group.
- To change a Product’s Access level, use to Change Access and Select which access level you would like to change the product to.
- To duplicate a Product, use Actions > Copy. Ticking one or more Product(s) and using Actions > Selected items > Copy in the top navigation will give you the option to create multiple copies at once. If you’re using the Copy function on a Product with child entries (e.g. a Series with Seasons/Episodes), be aware that these child entries will not be copied. To copy a child entry (e.g. a Season) to a new parent entry (e.g. a newly copied Series), please initially copy the child entry on the old parent entry, then use Unassign/Assign to change the association. Also, note that any assigned Assets will not be assigned to the duplicate.
- To delete a Product, use Delete.
- To recover deleted Products, choose Add Filter > Include Deleted to include deleted Products in the list view. Then, click Restore in the Actions column for any recoverable Product. Deleted Products are kept in the system for at least two weeks, but not indefinitely.
- To export Product data to an Excel spreadsheet, use Export. A dialog will open which will allow you to choose the Layer and language which you would like exported. This will generate a ZIP file of the export which will be sent to your email address.
- To Recommend a Product use to Recommend, a dialogue window will pop up, once all the required fields have been completed click on Send Emails and the campaign will be sent out to the selected recipients.
Using the Product detail view
Each Product entry can be opened by clicking its title. In the detail view, there are four tabs: General, Assets, Access and Timeline.
- General: Displays the Product’s key data.
- Assets: Displays all the Assets which are assigned to the Product. Through this tab you review these Assets and use the Actions button to e.g. unassign an Asset, add it to a Group, download, or update the Access level. You may use the Sort function to influence the order of the Product’s Assets. This can be relevant for e.g. the display order of the Product’s Assets on the client site.
- Access: Shows which Groups and Users currently have the ability to access the Product.
- Timeline: Shows the User activity on the Product.
Seasons and/or Episodes will also show as separate tab, in between General and Assets, if there are any Season or Episode entries attached to the Product you’re viewing.
To edit the metadata of an entry:
- Go to Products and open the desired Product.
- In the General tab, and select the field which you would like to edit.
- Once the data is updated select the blue tick icon to save the entry.
- If you would like the metadata to be updated on all child entries, tick the box next to the selected field and save.
For example, if you’re editing a Series with some attached Seasons and Episodes, ticking the box next to a field before updating it will also apply the change to all Seasons and Episodes.
To apply metadata entered on the current Product (e.g. Season) to all its descendant Products (e.g. Episodes) at once, use Actions > Inherit Metadata. In the dialog, select the fields whose values you’d like to be copied over those of the current Product’s descendants, then confirm to apply the change.
This change will overwrite the selected metadata on all descendants of the current Product and cannot be undone.
Viewing Product Analytics
MediaStore’s Analytics capture detailed records of user behavior such as logins, product views and video views (including view duration). For details, please click here.