The Access level of any Product or Asset can be modified at any time via the available editing functions. The following Access levels are available:
- Private: available only to you personally (and to high-level admin users).
- (Division: available internally only to your team’s/division’s admin Users. Note that this Access level is only relevant if you manage multiple internal divisions, which may not be the case.)
- Company: available only internally to admin Users; not available to logged-in client Users (nor public visitors if your platform has a public catalog).
- Viewable: available to admin Users; visible (but not downloadable) to logged-in client Users (but not visible to public visitors if your platform has a public catalog).
- Public: Visible (but not downloadable) to public visitors (only applicable if your platform has a public catalog).
In addition, you will find a Download permission for assets: if ticked, the asset is downloadable to client users (if combined with Viewable access) and public visitors (if combined with Public access).