Selections and Screening Rooms: introduction
In our standard client sites, we offer an optional feature of presenting Selections and Screening Rooms to your clients. Driven by specific types of Groups, they allow you to showcase specific packages of either titles (Selections) or videos (Screening Rooms) to specific clients. Once set up and associated correctly, they will appear in the targeted client’s logged-in user navigation under, respectively, Selections and Screening Rooms.
Using Selections
Selections are similar to Product Recommendations in that they present Products to your clients, but are more geared towards presenting large packages of content. While it is not inherently possible to highlight specific videos within Selections (as it is with Recommendations), you can evolve a Selection through time by adding or removing Products and choose dynamically which client Users may access it at any given time.
If you are interested in adding Selections and Screening Rooms to your platform, please contact us for more information on implementation and pricing.
- In the administrative site, go to Groups > Selections and click New Selection (Wizard). (Alternatively, you may also set up the Selection in a more manual way by clicking Add New.)
- Follow the wizard’s first step to define a name for the Selection, add Products, and add Users to it. The Users should be the clients to whom the Selection should be presented.
- In the next step, define the notification message that will be sent to all Users in the Selection. This will generate an email message which lets the Users know that they may log in to the client site in order to review your Selection. Standard texts are defined for message subjects and body, which you may edit if desired.
- Once finished, you will see your Selection in the list view under Groups > Selections. In order to modify your Selection, click its name to open its detail view. Here, at any time, you may add or remove Products as needed (in its Products tab) or even add or remove Users (in its Users tab).
- In order to send a new email notification at any time to all users currently included in a Selection, use Actions > Email > Notification either from the Selection Groups’ list view (via the Actions button on the right) or a specific Selection Group’s detail view’s General tab.
Using Screening Rooms
While Product Recommendations and Selections are promotional tools which put your Products front and center and present videos through the prism of the specific titles they belong to, Screening Rooms forego this additional layer of metadata and focus squarely on videos only. This allows you to package a concise, targeted screening package to be presented to specific clients.
- In the administrative site, go to Groups > Screening Rooms and click New Screening Room (Wizard). (Alternatively, you may also set up the Selection in a more manual way by clicking Add New.)
- Follow the wizard’s first step to define a name for the Screening Room, add video Assets, and add Users to it. The Users should be the clients to whom the Screening Room should be presented.
- In the next step, define the notification message that will be sent to all Users in the Screening Room. This will generate an email message which lets the Users know that they may log in to the client site in order to review your Screening Room. Standard texts are defined for message subjects and body, which you may edit if desired.
- Once finished, you will see your Selection in the list view under Groups > Screening Rooms. In order to modify your Screening Room, click its name to open its detail view. Here, you may, at any time, add or remove videos as needed (in its Assets tab) or even add or remove Users (in its Users tab).
- In order to send a new email notification at any time to all (or some) users currently included in a Screening Room, use Actions > Email > Notification either from the Screening Room Groups’ list view (via the Actions button on the right) or a specific Screening Room Group’s detail view’s General tab.
In addition, you can use Screening Room Groups as a basis for MediaStore’s optional screening conference feature. Please read more about it here.