In addition to creating Products manually, the Products list view an option for you to import Product metadata based on an Excel template.
The basic process is as follows:
- In the Products list view, click Import.
- Click the here link in the text to download a blank Excel template.
- Fill in the template, providing metadata for at least the essential mandatory fields.
- Go back to the Import dialog, Choose the file to upload and confirm.
- After import has completed, you will receive a report email.
- In case no errors were encountered, your import will be declared successful and the Products will have been added into the system.
- In case any error was encountered, your import will have been aborted, and no Products will have been added to the system. Please refer to the email for more details on the nature of the error(s) and their location in the Excel file.
The import template can be opened in Excel and the formatting is as follows:
- Each column corresponds to a metadata field. Mandatory fields are prefixed with a *.
- The first three rows are fixed and must not be edited. They include, respectively:
- Row 1: Title of the metadata field
- Row 2: key of the metadata field for import purposes
- Row 3: Type of data permitted (e.g. string, html).
- You may start entering your data in row 4, rows 1-3 will not be considered during import.
Given the nature of how MediaStore captures and manages metadata, certain fields only permit a predefined set of values. Please note that the template itself does not take this into account, hence please be aware especially of the following fields and the limited values they permit:
- * Product: Type: program, series, season, episode, format
- * Product: Access level: private, division, company, viewable, public